

Prov 22:1
 "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
Loving favor rather than silver and gold."

* A good name is better than great  riches.
* A good reputation is a trans-generational investment.
* The good reputation of Jonathan to David secured the house of Saul.
* Every time you cultivate a good reputation for yourself, you secure yourself n the generations to come.
* It's a trans-generational assurance.
* Don't leave a bad reputation to your children.
* They can pay for it until the kingdom come.
* How do people know you?
* What do they say about you?
* Ensure that you're a person of good reputation.
* If you'll ever find yourself between Character and Compromise; please choose Character.

Emulate the character of Christ. Preach Christ! Live Christ. When people look at you, let them see Christ. We are his ambassador. He shed his precious blood for our sake.
Remember great preaching does not give you a good reputation, it is your character that does. Even the devil can preach. He preached to Jesus. But Jesus prevailed because of His character. Who are you?

There are only 3 answers to that question. Some think you are a person of good reputation, others think you are a person of bad reputation and others don't even notice you.

Rev. Wycliffe Otieno